Some users complain that the audio balance resets itself every time the AirPods connect to Mac. Watch a demo of this macOS Monterey fix: Extra Tip For AirPod Not Working If the cursor is to the left or right side, one AirPod is muted or won’t sound as loud as the other.
In the Output section, select AirPods from the list of available devices for sound output.Connect AirPods to Mac and open System Preferences.If you’re encountering similar issues you’re most likely dealing with a macOS Monterey audio balance bug: Time to relax, this isn’t a hardware issue, especially if audio plays normally from other devices like iPhone, iPad or Apple TV! How To Fix One AirPod No Sound We’ve also encountered it when trying to listen to music airdropped from a MacBook Air to a pair of AirPods Pro. “Only one AirPod has sound when I connect my AirPods Pro to MacBook! Started after Monterey update! Pls help!” This issue has been signaled to us by Rita: Is one AirPod not working when connected to Mac? There’s no sound, or almost no sound, in the left or right AirPod when the Bluetooth earbuds are connected to MacBook? You might be dealing with a macOS Monterey glitch!